

... 夏威夷航空要自己Check in列印登記證. 所以首先要先找到報到的機台! 認得夏威夷航空的標誌看到機台就是了! 大家都是這樣自己報到的喔~那其實周圍 ...

Check-in online

For fast contactless check in, use our app. Please ensure that you are aware of any travel requirements before checking in for your flight.

Airport Check-In Times

Check in now. Arrive in the check-in lobby 2 hours and 30 minutes prior to departure. Print your bag tags and boarding pass at any Hawaiian Airlines kiosk.

Web Check-In

Online check-in is available 24 hours prior to your flight's departure. To make your travel day seamless, we recommend checking in the day before your flight ... Mobile Check-In · Airport Check-In · TSA Pre?

Check-In Options

We offer you a variety of quick and easy ways to check in for your flight including airport, web, mobile, and TSA Pre check in. Web Check-In · Mobile Check-In · Airport Check-In · TSA Pre?

Mobile Check-In

Check in for your flight on the mobile app 24 hours prior to departure. To make your travel day seamless, we recommend checking in the day before your flight.

Airport Check-In

Use a Hawaiian Airlines kiosk to: Check in for your flight; Check and pay for your bags; Select, change or upgrade your seat; Print bag tags ...


...夏威夷航空要自己Checkin列印登記證.所以首先要先找到報到的機台!認得夏威夷航空的標誌看到機台就是了!大家都是這樣自己報到的喔~那其實周圍 ...,Forfastcontactlesscheckin,useourapp.Pleaseensurethatyouareawareofanytravelrequirementsbeforecheckinginforyourflight.,,Checkinnow.Arriveinthecheck-inlobby2hoursand30minutespriortodeparture.PrintyourbagtagsandboardingpassatanyHawaiianAirlineskiosk.,Onlinechec...